
Give me liberty, or give me death!

Give me liberty, or give me death!

The Second Treatise of Government & A Letter Concerning Toleration

The Second Treatise of Government & A Letter Concerning Toleration

United States Bill of Rights

United States Bill of Rights

Democracy in America

Democracy in America

Articles of Confederation

Articles of Confederation

Common Sense

Common Sense

Hidden Gems

Give me liberty, or give me death!

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

Patrick Henry
Democracy in America

I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run.

Alexis de Tocqueville
Democracy in America

Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom.

Alexis de Tocqueville

Popular Resources

Give me liberty, or give me death!

Give me liberty, or give me death!

The Second Treatise of Government & A Letter Concerning Toleration

The Second Treatise of Government & A Letter Concerning Toleration

United States Bill of Rights

United States Bill of Rights

Democracy in America

Democracy in America

Articles of Confederation

Articles of Confederation

Common Sense

Common Sense